All Announcements

Email Campaigns, Metadata Based Payment Rules, IVR UX updates

New Feature

📬 File-Based Email Campaigns

We’re excited to introduce the first version of **Email Campaigns**, a feature designed to send debt collection emails to consumers. This powerful tool supports emails such as **MVN, Settlement Offers, Pre-Suit, Post-Judgment, and Just Served**.


Key Features:

  • File-Based Campaigns: Campaign recipients and email types are defined by files uploaded to SFTP.
  • Compliance First: Emails are fully compliant and will only be sent during allowed Contact Hours.
  • Portal Integration: Campaigns are integrated into the Tratta system, enabling the generation of passwordless login links for the portal, which can be included in emails as links or buttons.
  • Customizable Variables: Files can include any information needed to dynamically populate emails with variables.
  • Deliverability & Engagement Analytics: Gain detailed insights into your campaigns with metrics on email deliverability, including opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and bounces. These reports help you evaluate campaign performance and optimize your strategy for better results.
  • UTM Support: All campaigns include UTM tags, enabling detailed tracking in the Customer Analytics report. This allows you to trace the entire customer journey—from clicking a portal link in the email to completing a payment.


For now, this feature can be set up for your organization with the assistance of Tratta Support. If you’re interested, reach out to us at


This is just the beginning! Stay tuned for more updates to expand and enhance this feature.


🎮 Metadata-Based Payment Rules

This update allows you to control payment rules on a per-debt-account basis. Currently, four payment rules are supported, covering minimum payment amounts and allowed payment options for logged-in Payment Portal customers:

  •  Minimum Payment Amount (metadata format: amount in cents or dollars)
  •  Payment Plans Enabled (metadata format: 1 for true or 0 for false)
  •  Full Payment Enabled (metadata format: 1 for true or 0 for false)
  •  Partial Payment Enabled (metadata format: 1 for true or 0 for false)

With this feature, a specific metadata column (sent via file or updated through the API) can be bound to a payment rule. If the selected metadata exists on a debt account and contains a valid value, it will override the default rules. If the metadata is missing, blocked, or invalid, the default rules in Payment Settings will apply instead.


This setting is currently available by request—contact us at

We plan to expand this feature to support additional rules in the future.


🤳 IVR UX updates

Simplified Partial Payment Prompt

  • We’ve streamlined how partial payments are entered in IVR. Previously, callers were asked separately for dollar and cents amounts. Now, it’s a single step: callers can use the star key (*) as a decimal point. For example, entering 50*50 will be recognized as $50.50 - simple and efficient!

Alphanumeric Account Verification Update

  • For alphanumeric account numbers, we’ve introduced an optional streamlined prompt. Callers can now use corresponding digits for letters in their account numbers: for A, B, or C = press 2; for D, E, or F = press 3; and so on. For example, if the account number is AD123, the caller would enter 23123. The correct account will then be confirmed with a second verification method (SSN, DOB, or ZIP). This update makes it significantly easier for callers to verify accounts with alphanumeric identifiers.


💳 Allowed Card Networks Icons on Payment Forms

  • If your organization does not support certain card networks, we can now customize the list of allowed networks for you. This change will be reflected on payment forms, ensuring that customers only see supported card options. This update helps prevent failed payment errors and improves the payment experience.


🔧🛡️Bug Fixes & Security Updates

  • As always, we’ve continued our efforts to maintain the system, optimize performance, and implement security enhancements.
  • Various bugs were fixed—thank you for reporting them! 🐛