
Where we announce new features, updates, fixes, and other improvements as they come. 

  1. User Management 2.0: Announcing “Roles”

    New Feature

    During the last few months, we have been working on refining User Management. Today we released the biggest update yet - Roles - and we are happy to share it with you!

    Roles for consistent and efficient permissions management 👥

    The Roles feature enables you to attach a set of permissions to a role and assign it to one or multiple users.

    For example: Your organization can have two roles: Admin (with full permissions) and Agent (limited access to settings and some features). The Agent role can be assigned to many users. If you need to change permissions for all these users, you only need to adjust the permissions for the Role itself.

    To create and manage roles, navigate to Settings > User Management > Roles.

    When you create or edit users, you can assign one of the existing Roles or Custom Permissions. Using Roles is the recommended approach.


    We have migrated all users with the old admin user type to an Admin Role (full permissions), and users with standard to a Custom Permissions mode (to maintain the permissions previously assigned to them).

    We invite you to create your first Role and assign it to users! This can bring significant value to organizations that have many users with a similar set of permissions.


    Permissions Matrix ☑️

    As our system expands and the number of permissions increases, we have redesigned the permissions list into a more user-friendly matrix format as part of the User Management update.

    Permissions are categorized into groups such as Customer, Debt Account, Reports, Settings, etc. It is possible to toggle all permissions within a category by clicking the checkbox next to the category name.


    Standard permissions are organized in a matrix format across four actions: View, Create, Update, and Delete.

    Custom action permissions are listed separately with toggles.


    Check out our help docs or reach out to us if you have any questions or feedback! 🚀



  2. Payment tracking, made easier!



    Payment Source in Console Reports 📊

    We've added new columns to the Transactions, Scheduled Charges, and Payment Plans reports, relieving you of the burden of tracking where your payments are coming from and how they are made.

    1. Payment Source now indicates the origin of the transaction’s creation:

    •  Console: This data point summarizes all payments created on the Console side by a User (someone at your company), such as an agent or collector.
    •  Collect: This data point summarizes all payments created by a consumer exclusively using Tratta’s self-service portal. This does not include guest payments or IVR payments. This includes payment plans, scheduled payments, and one-time payments. This is where the real bang for the buck is!
    •  Guest: This category aggregates payments executed via our guest checkout feature for consumers unable or unwilling to establish an account.
    •  IVR: Aggregates payments executed through our payment automated phone platform.
    •  API: For those firms that have integrated their SOR, IVA, or another application to our platform via APIs, this data point will total payments processed by Tratta that were shared with us via your API.

    2. Payment Source Name now allows you to track the payment source, whether a User or an API integration, by name. This feature is excellent for creating leaderboards for your agents and seeing how integrated partners perform.



    Console Create Payment 💳

    • Create Payment is now restricted to Parent Accounts only to maintain consistency with the overall system design (payments are allowed only toward parent accounts).
    • Settlement Offers now allow for agents to set custom discount percentages and amounts. Custom parameters can be set within the default offer setup and full balance.
    • We've optimized the calculation speed for long payment plans.


    Bug Fixes & System Maintenance 🔧

    • We removed Customer Status an available status.
    • Further optimized the Users import flow.
    • Optimized search performance across all pages within the Tratta eco-sphere.
    • Addressed various minor bugs 🐛.


  3. Settlement Offer Setting Improvement + Waving Fees on Payments


    Enhanced Settlement Offer Metadata Integration 🏷️

    • We've refined the flow for setting up Settlement Offers based on metadata amounts. This update enables you to specify a custom settlement amount for each debt account in your file, which can then be utilized in configuring offers.


    • We updated the Offer Dates block to allow the setup of Start and End dates separately. Each date now supports three modes: Not Limited (Immediate for Start or None for End), Absolute date, and Based on Metadata date with a shift in days.


    Waving Fees for Console Payments 🪙

    • Now, agents can exclude fees for specific accounts in the Console Create Payment section. Simply uncheck the fee on the Payment Summary to waive it and see an instant update in the payment setup totals.
    • This is a permission-based feature. It’s easy to grant or revoke access on the single User Page (under Transactions Permissions Group > Waive Fees).


    Fixes & Maintenance 🔧

    • A few bugs were fixed 🐛, and several minor improvements were added 🪴.
  4. Closed Account Notice management

    New Feature

    We added a new Settings section > Account Notices 🪧

    This section enables you to set up and manage the notice content displayed for accounts with a closed status and specific External Statuses.



    Creating notice and control notice content is easy now!


    Please, find more information in Help Docs.


    Console Settings > Notifications > Email Footer > State rules 📧

    • Added new variable for customization of the inclusion of the Universal Footer in the State Specific text (more details in Help Docs)


    Bug Fixes & Maintenance 🔧

    • Various bugs 🐛 were fixed, and system improvements 🪴 were implemented.


  5. Customer Updates report change


    We’re updating the structure for Customer Updates report 🗂

    As part of our effort to streamline the report, we are removing the following filters/columns:

    •  Account Type
    • ❌ External ID

    (👆these will be removed in two weeks)

    Instead, we are placing them all on one line, similar to our Customer Analytics report:

    • 🆕 Account External Ids
    • 🆕 Sub Account External Ids


    Other Reports updates 📈

    • Scheduled Charges report: speed up the report by adding a database indexing for the Charge Date column.
    • Transactions report: added External Account Number column.
  6. Notifications: Dynamic Footer Text

    New Feature

    We've added state-based footer text rules to email notifications 📧

    Navigate to Settings > Notifications and discover the new Email Footer subsection. This feature allows you to create rules for dynamic notification email footer text based on the customer's address state. It's designed to help you more easily meet local compliance requirements.


    Check out Help Docs for more details!


    Console: Customer Page Update 👨‍💼

    We've enhanced the Customer Page to make it more structured and user-friendly:

    • New "Registered" Badge: see at a glance if a customer has created a username on the portal, indicated by a "Registered" badge next to their name. Usernames are now displayed directly below the customer's name for easy reference.
    • We've grouped information into Personal Details and Activity sections.
    • Two new timestamps have been added to Activity: Registered & First Active - indicates date and time of registration and first customer activity on the platform, which can include actions like guest payments without registration or verified IVR calls.


    Bug Fixes & System optimization 🔧

    • We've updated the import logic and structure for locations (creditors) to support a broader range of data cases more effectively.
    • We've addressed various bugs to improve system stability and performance 🐛


  7. Account Status Mappings

    New Feature

    New Settings section to manage Account Status Mappings 🖇️

    This section grants you control over how your System of Records' account statuses are mapped to Tratta statuses. Essentially, it allows you to determine which status will be applied during file import (active, closed, or archived) based on External Account Status.


    The section provides the capability to:

    • View and modify current status mappings.
    • Observe newly detected statuses in your files (automatically assigned an active status mapping) and adjust their mappings if necessary.
    • Import of Status Mapping from .csv or .txt files, streamlining the initial setup process.


    For further information, please check the Help Documentation.


    Sandbox Environment 🏖️

    • We added "Sandbox Mode" notice at the top of the Console and Collect (Customer Portal) in the test/sandbox environment to prevent possible misunderstandings.


    Bug Fixes 🔧

    • As usual, different bugs and system maintenance updates were addressed 🐛 🥷
  8. Amounts in Customer Sessions Analytics + Locations parameters in reports


    Customer Analytics report - added amounts columns 🚀📈

    • Paid Amount: The total amount successfully charged during the session.
    • Promised Amount: The amount set up as scheduled payments for the future, including Payment Plans (Regular or Settlement) and One-Time scheduled payments.
    • Total Amount: The sum of Paid and Promised Amounts, representing the total financial value of the session.

    These columns were added to all aggregated views, allowing users to see amounts with breakdown by any available Group By feature column.



    New Location parameters in reports 🏷️

    Columns for Product Types, Original Creditors, Current Creditors were added to Accounts, Payment Plans, Transactions, Scheduled Charges, and Customer Analytics reports.



    Bug Fixes and System Enhancements 🔧

    • Implemented correct US phone number validation across all Tratta subsystems.
    • Upgraded to the latest PHP version.
    • Addressed numerous bugs 🐞🐛🐝 and implemented various system improvements 🪴


    Stay tuned for more updates!

  9. Verify More Accounts! Improved Verification Matrix!

    New Feature

    Streamlined Verification Flow on the Customer Portal 🔐

    We've revamped the main verification process on the Customer Portal, consolidating it from two pages (for verification with Account/File number or First and Last name) into a single, streamlined page. Customers can now easily select their preferred first and second verification methods from a dropdown menu, simplifying the process and aiming to improve the overall verification rate.

    • Verification Method 1: Choices include Account/File Number, Last and First Name, and a new option, Full Phone Number (this can be enabled in the Console under Settings > Customer Portal Settings).
    • Verification Method 2: Remains the same with options like ZIP Code, Date Of Birth, Last 4 of SSN.

    This update is designed to make the verification process more user-friendly and efficient. We'll be closely monitoring its impact on the verification rate in the coming weeks.


    Console Updates 🛰️

    • The Payment Plans and Accounts reports' Product Types column now reflects Location Product Types from Children for parent accounts, enhancing clarity and detail.


    Bug Fixes & Development Infrastructure Updates 🔧🏗️

    • We've updated Tratta's backend libraries to the latest versions.
    • Addressed minor issues with the Service Fee feature.
    • Implemented fixes for various other bugs 🐛.

    This suite of updates is part of our ongoing effort to enhance user experience and maintain high security and operational standards.

  10. New report: Customer Sessions Analytics

    New Feature

    Track customer journeys and campaign results with a new Customer Analytics report 📊

    We're happy to introduce our latest major update: the Customer Analytics report.


    Re-engage RPCs based on 38 data points that enable you to track your outbound efforts and deploy high-value follow-ups. This report offers transparency into Tratta's ability to verify a greater number of consumers looking to make a payment and provide valuable insight into their behavior.


    This report illuminates the customer journey, each row representing a single Customer Session. It captures crucial details about the customer's path, including the origin of their journey (email, SMS, QR code, direct visit, etc.), their success in verification and checkout, and comprehensive data on verification and checkout attempts.

    Marketing Slide for Email


    This report is a valuable tool for:

    • Analyzing the results of outbound campaigns and adjusting strategies accordingly.
    • Understanding and enhancing customer experiences.


    A few report highlights

    Verification Rates: Analyze verification rates in aggregated and individual session formats to gain insights into single-session verification details.



    Checkout Information: Access detailed information on checkout types, statuses, and specifics. This helps in understanding the conversion rate of sessions into payments or payment arrangements.



    UTM Data Integration: Enhance your analytics by adding UTM data to URLs sent to customers. Utilize this data for in-depth breakdowns in the report.


    Check the full report documentation in our Help Docs for a comprehensive understanding. The report is also available in the Console Reports Section. Should you have any questions, our support team is ready to assist.


    Bug Fixes 🔧 and minor improvements 🪴

    • We've added a date and time picker 📅 to the Reports Filters, eliminating the possibility of errors in date formatting.
    • A few minor bugs were fixed 🐝
