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New report: Customer Sessions Analytics

New Feature

Track customer journeys and campaign results with a new Customer Analytics report πŸ“Š

We're happy to introduce our latest major update: the Customer Analytics report.


Re-engage RPCs based on 38 data points that enable you to track your outbound efforts and deploy high-value follow-ups. This report offers transparency into Tratta's ability to verify a greater number of consumers looking to make a payment and provide valuable insight into their behavior.


This report illuminates the customer journey, each row representing a single Customer Session. It captures crucial details about the customer's path, including the origin of their journey (email, SMS, QR code, direct visit, etc.), their success in verification and checkout, and comprehensive data on verification and checkout attempts.

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This report is a valuable tool for:

  • Analyzing the results of outbound campaigns and adjusting strategies accordingly.
  • Understanding and enhancing customer experiences.


A few report highlights

Verification Rates: Analyze verification rates in aggregated and individual session formats to gain insights into single-session verification details.



Checkout Information: Access detailed information on checkout types, statuses, and specifics. This helps in understanding the conversion rate of sessions into payments or payment arrangements.



UTM Data Integration: Enhance your analytics by adding UTM data to URLs sent to customers. Utilize this data for in-depth breakdowns in the report.


Check the full report documentation in our Help Docs for a comprehensive understanding. The report is also available in the Console Reports Section. Should you have any questions, our support team is ready to assist.


Bug Fixes πŸ”§Β and minor improvements πŸͺ΄

  • We've added a date and time picker πŸ“… to the Reports Filters, eliminating the possibility of errors in date formatting.
  • A few minor bugs were fixed 🐝