All Announcements

Notifications: Dynamic Footer Text

New Feature

We've added state-based footer text rules to email notifications 📧

Navigate to Settings > Notifications and discover the new Email Footer subsection. This feature allows you to create rules for dynamic notification email footer text based on the customer's address state. It's designed to help you more easily meet local compliance requirements.


Check out Help Docs for more details!


Console: Customer Page Update 👨‍💼

We've enhanced the Customer Page to make it more structured and user-friendly:

  • New "Registered" Badge: see at a glance if a customer has created a username on the portal, indicated by a "Registered" badge next to their name. Usernames are now displayed directly below the customer's name for easy reference.
  • We've grouped information into Personal Details and Activity sections.
  • Two new timestamps have been added to Activity: Registered & First Active - indicates date and time of registration and first customer activity on the platform, which can include actions like guest payments without registration or verified IVR calls.


Bug Fixes & System optimization 🔧

  • We've updated the import logic and structure for locations (creditors) to support a broader range of data cases more effectively.
  • We've addressed various bugs to improve system stability and performance 🐛