
Where we announce new features, updates, fixes, and other improvements as they come. 

Upgraded Payment Settings is live!

New Feature

Balance-based Rules in Payment Settings ⚙️💸

We’ve released a more advanced global payment setting rule module that allows you to configure the minimum payment amounts and payment plan ranges based on balance instead of a one-size-fits-all method.

For instance, you can now allow shorter payment plans for customers with smaller balances (e.g., $500 to $1,000 balance, with plans for 6 months), while providing longer plans for those with larger balances (e.g., $2,000 to $10,000, with 24-month plans).



The same flexibility extends to the Minimum Payment Amount parameter.


You can use a single global parameter or set up balance range rules. If rules are set, they will override the global parameter for the balance selected in the rule.


New Payments List Look on Account Details Pages in the Customer Portal 💳 📅

We're thrilled to unveil the fresh, redesigned appearance of the payments list on the Account Details pages within the Customer portal. This update makes it incredibly user-friendly for customers to:

  • Quickly check their upcoming payment schedule.
  • Effortlessly review data from previous payments.


Bug Fixes 🔧

  • Various bugs were fixed 🐞